Thursday, March 27, 2014

Conspiracy Theories – II

Some of the following conspiracy theories are still alive and kicking but some are very funny, specially ‘Paul is Dead’.

Paul Is Dead

conspiracy-minded Beatlemaniacs say, Paul McCartney secretly died in 1966. Theorists claim the other Beatles covered up his death — hiring someone who looked like him, sang like him, and had the same jovial personality.

Holocaust Revisionism

Despite overwhelming evidence and an admission and apology from Germany decades ago, revisionists continue to claim that nearly 6 million Jews were not killed by Nazis during the Holocaust. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for one, has called the Holocaust a "myth" and suggested that Germany and other European countries, rather than Palestine, provide land for a Jewish state.

Adolf Hitler Fakes Death

The official history of Adolf Hitler is that he committed suicide on April 30, 1945, however, there are a number of people who don't believe this and think that he faked his death. It is believed that Hitler had a stand-in and that this stand-in was the one that was found death in the bunker in Germany.

Area 51

Area 51 is a base located in southern Nevada that is tied to many UFO sightings. The base is believed to be a location that was formerly used by the United States Government to research and reverse engineer extraterrestrial spacecraft technology. It is also believed that there may have also been aliens from another planet there as well. The base is monitored 24/7 by vehicles and signs are posted miles away from the facility saying it is a restricted area and that photography is prohibited.

CIA Drug Trafficking

The CIA has a long history of drug trafficking. Case after case show that the CIA it not so much interested in stopping the illegal drug trade, but actually finding a way to use this drug trade to their advantage, both financially and otherwise. In exchange for information on rival drug cartels the CIA has been known to grant immunity to import large quantities of drugs across borders into the United States.

Abraham Lincoln Assassination

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln has many different conspiracy theories revolving around it. The main assassination by John Wilkes Booth is generally agreed upon by most camps, however, whether Booth operated alone or whether he was used by a group of individuals is up for debate.

Jesus Married To Mary Magdeline

There is a growing conspiracy, greatly heightened by the book, "Holy Blood Holy Grail", and then brought into mainstream attention with the movie the Da Vinci Code. Many believe that Jesus was actually married to Mary Magdeline and then his bloodline was brought over to France where the descendents went on to become the Merovingians.

Princess Diana Murdered by British Royal Family

The official story is that Princess Diana was killed in an auto accident on August 31, 1997. However, many people, including her partner's father, Mohammed Al-Fayed, believed that her death was actually a planned murder carried out by Prince Philip, Prince Charles and MI6.

!!!Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government.- Jeremy Bentham !!!

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