Thursday, March 20, 2014

Conspiracy Theories – I

While scanning through some websites got some of the world most fascination conspiracy made by the government or by the secret agencies

9/11 was Planned by the US Government

Many conspiracy theories have been presented concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks, many of them claiming that President George W. Bush and/or individuals in his administration knew about the attacks beforehand and purposefully allowed them to occur because the attacks would generate public support for militarization, expansion of the police state, and other intrusive foreign and domestic policies by which they would benefit.

A flying saucer crashed at Roswell in 1947

The Roswell UFO Incident involved the recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, in July 1947, which have since become the subject of intense speculation, rumor, questioning and research. There are widely divergent views on what actually happened, and passionate debate about what evidence can be believed. The United States military maintains that what was recovered was a top-secret research balloon that had crashed.

John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

The 35th President of the United States was shot on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas at 12.30pm . He was fatally wounded by gunshots while riding with his wife - Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy - in a motorcade. The ten-month investigation of the Warren Commission of 1963 to 1964, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) of 1976 to 1979, and other government investigations concluded that the President had been assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald - who was himself shot dead by Jack Ruby while in police custody

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

Apollo Moon Landing hoax accusations are claims that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon landings were faked by NASA and possibly members of other involved organizations. Some groups and individuals have advanced alternate historical narratives which tend, to varying degrees, to state that the Apollo Astronauts did not land on the moon, and that NASA created and continues to perpetuate this hoax.

HIV Was Invented to Get Rid of Black People

The idea that HIV was invented by humans deliberately, to get rid of black people and homosexuals, is widely regarded as a conspiracy theory. While there are a number of theories which claim to explain the genesis of HIV there is only one theory which is scientifically credible.

HIV disproportionately affects black people and one of the first groups to present with HIV in the United States was gay men. This is where the theory that HIV was engineered to rid society of black people and gay people probably came from. However the reasons why black people are more likely to be infected with HIV and why gay men were the first to present with HIV are largely due to biomedical, social, political and material factors, not because they were purposely targeted for elimination.

!!!While you here do snoring lie, Open-eyed conspiracy His time doth take. - William Shakespeare!!!

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