Thursday, November 26, 2009

Count 1 to 9, your password to enter this country

Visiting aboard? Everybody wants to head towards USA, Europe or may be nation surrounded by pacific sea and Indian Ocean. However, I visited this country and fascinated by everything. I am talking about land of Pharos, Egypt. When I went there, I was young, so I too failed to get the real charm and glamour that generally provided by USA and Europe. Today memories of that visit are just standout from all other.

I was invited by one of my Egyptian colleague, but decision was very difficult one, no, it was not monetary problem. While staying aboard we used to look forward to our yearly leave and just want to come home. Missing home and India for two years on the trot was very tough one. However, thank god finally, I traded my visit to India with that one.

Two things generally come to our mind while visiting Egypt, pyramid and Nile, but many other surprising things were stored for me. Mainly staying in Alexandria, the most beautiful beach I ever seen in my life.

After landing in Cairo airport, we directly headed to her hometown Alexandria. Cairo to Alexandria, which around three and half hours drive, things that I have noticed all the way, was truckloads of cottons and cottons (Egyptian cottons). She was having a huge three-storied house, mainly occupied by her old parents. My friend was having three sisters and a brother, apart from her third sister all other siblings were away. The lifestyle and foods were quite different from ours. Adapting to a new lifestyle is never a big issue for me. One dish, which I liked, was ‘Malokhaia’, a leafy vegetable cooked in chicken soup. Their house was hardly five minutes away from Mediterranean Sea, so almost whole days we used to stay by the beach. The beauty of Mediterranean Sea was unbelievable.

After a week or so, finally we decided to visit Cairo for a day. My friend was driving her father car, her father was very possessive about it, but somehow she managed to get it for our day out. After reaching Cairo, no need to mention, where we headed for. Almost five to six hours we explored pyramid and Sphinx of Giza and then Cairo tower which situated by Niles. Standing on the top of Cairo Tower, one can view almost whole Cairo city, we also visited the Cairo Zoo. When we were just thinking of returning back, a small accident occurred and it was not possible for her to bring back the car with such condition to Alexandria. Therefore, she took it to a known garage. After grabbing our belonging, we walked a few lane of Cairo to reach our temporary destination that was her cousin’s house. We stay over there for the night and next morning we returned to Alexandria.

After a week or so, again back to Cairo, this time around no adventure only to fly out.

It was an unbelievable journey with wonderful memories. However, frankly speaking I still prefer to type the boundless ‘0’, to unlock the password of that wonderful country where I born and brought up, want to remain there till end, your guess is as good as mine, yes that is my country - India.

!!!For me home is where the heart is there.!!!

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