Thursday, January 03, 2013

The Dil Less Delhi - The Guilt & the Guts!

Enough written about it and since 16th December until now all television channels are running fulltime on this horrific incident still I decided to write about it. This blog is sort of my personal E-diary which I am sharing with all and whatever things made me sad or disturbed or even gave me happiness I jotted it down here. Last couple of years I am doing it but never with a mindset that I am wearing now. I am angry and very sad too. It was all about the Gutsy Girl, who raped and killed by six beasts. It is happening everyday and every corner in India and also in other countries too but in India in every half-hour a woman gets raped. Sometime, the women never come forward due to social stigma but hope the Delhi incident may change the outlook. Women should understand that world with you and not with the rapist. Even rapist are thrashed by the hardcore criminal who were lodged in the jail for some other crime. A rapist should face total social boycott. To stop it we all should take a collective measure and men’s are more importantly should involved it in on their own.

The incident that shocked the nation.

On December 16, a Sunday, the victim, a 23-year-old trainee paramedic, and her friend had boarded the bus at night thinking it was a public bus. The privately owned bus, which had tinted glass panes and curtains, ferried children to and from a Delhi public school on weekdays. The officer said driver Ram Singh had told investigators about the Sunday night "fun rides". Same evening, the accused had apparently partied at Ram Singh the main accuser’s home at a south Delhi slum, cooking chicken and drinking heavily, before setting out with the bus. Ram's younger brother Mukesh was at the wheel. Ram, gym assistant Vinay Sharma, fruit seller Pawan Gupta, bus cleaner Akshay Thakur, and the sixth accused, who claims to be a minor, sat inside.

They picked up passengers and robbed one of them, Ram Adhar, of his gold chain, the officer said. Here's the subsequent sequence of events as mentioned in the FIR, which will be part of the chargesheet to be filed on January 3 in a fast-track court, seeking the death penalty for all the accused. Around 9, the accused spot the couple waiting at Munirka bus stop and ask them their destination. Told that it's Dwarka, they say the bus too is headed that way. The unsuspecting couple board it. They mistake three of the accused, sitting in passenger seats, for commuters. The cleaner shuts the door.

The accused pass lewd remarks at the victim, asking why she's alone with a man late at night. When the friend protests, he is attacked. The friend beats up two accused but the gym assistant attacks him with an iron rod. Three accused drag the woman to the back seat and rape her; the others join in later. The victim fights back and bites the hands of three accused, who get angry and brutalise her with an iron rod. According to the doctors at Safdarjung Hospital “It appears to be that a rod was inserted into her and it was pulled out with so much force that the act brought out her intestines... That is probably the only thing that explains such severe damage to her intestines.”  She failed to recover from the grievous injury and finally she died on 29th, December 2012. Hair and blood samples of the victim have been found on Ram's nails.

After 45 minutes of brutality, the accused strip the duo and throw them out of the moving bus on a roadside after taking away their cellphones and wallets. Ram asks Mukesh to run the couple over. Ram takes the wheel from Mukesh and drops the other accused home. He cleans the bloodstains before parking the bus at its owner's place in Noida in the early hours. Two eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen Ram destroy evidence. Security cameras on the main highway NH8 allegedly furnished footage which is helping the police.

The merciless rape case has horrified a nation that has become jaded to such assaults against women. Sexual violence has long been a serious and widespread problem in India, where perpetrators of such crimes often go unpunished.

It is not the culprit but we too also guilty for her suffering, which ultimately ends with the death. We are accustomed to the too much ‘chalta hai’ attitude and never realise that something like this always happening and going to happen. We cannot rely on our government, never helped by the politicians, we cannot reach for our administration and woefully police always unavailable when needed, true like Hindi movies. The movement taken place should continue and hope something like this never happen again. However, the series of event thereafter shows that all men’s are not men but only bunch of beast. There is never ending news breaking out from every parts of the country, it indicate that we are going to die with the hope and never taste its fulfillment.

!!!Sleep after toil, port after stormy seas, Ease after war, death after life does greatly please. - Edmund Spenser !!!

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