Thursday, June 28, 2012

Moral Cop or an Offender?

This small incident happened around two decades ago while I was staying in IIT, Mumbai. I had a Garwali family as my neighbour among some other wonderful lots I was having around me. I never saw any other peace loving and harmless family who could compete with them in these criteria. Head of the family was working in Proctor and Gamble (P&G) and the lady of the house was a homemaker. They had five children, four boys and a girl. Sadly, that the eldest two boys of the four are no more and died rather very pathetic way. During those days, after the dinner we used to go for a night walk. One night after such outing when we were walking back we found that one of my neighbour’s son was engaged in some conversation with a patrolling constable. Before we could reacted the constable hit the boy on his leg with a stick that generally the police always have with them. The force was so great that the boy instantly fell down on the ground, he started screaming loudly, he was in great pain. We ran to his rescue and informed the policeman that the boy belongs to a family those not even capable to kill an insect. After that incident, the boy was in bed for a month with the injury. His only crime was, when the policeman asked his name he requested to know the reason for his query. I kept a tab on that constable because if something like that occurred again I would gone all the way to complain against him. However, in the same year he was given a police medal for his honesty and hard work. Things never ended there, after a year he was suspended for accepting bribe. So, this is the story about the peoples who supposed to protect us, the common-man. All over India, everyday you will find thousands of such cases involving a policeman. Who are these stick wielding peoples, they are only a public servant who eating and shitting on public money. Who authorized them to go after the innocent peoples and kept harassing them. Instead of going after hardcore criminal, they end up shielding their crime for financial gain and show their power on the innocent people like my harmless neighbour.

There two categories of uniformed people in the society, of-course I am leaving the great Indian army aside. One of them are police force and other you will find in white uniform, we called them politicians. Three is not a crowd here, these lethal combination is eating up our society and innocent lives – they are the Police, the Underworld goons and the corrupt Politicians. Here are some events relating the moral cops rather an offender.

Ghaziabad is always famous for either statues of Mayawati and police atrocity.
The policemen in Ghaziabad have started a moral policing act to discourage couples from sitting in public places. Policemen have resumed the drive called 'Operation Majnu' to crack down on couples, which they claim will curb sexual harassment.  Policemen were seen harassing couples in a park in Sahibabad and forcing men to do sit-ups. They have also been picking up couples from other parks and malls and questioning them in public. 'Operation Majnu' is being led by Station Officer Alka Pandey of the Ghaziabad Police.
Apart from above incident we also know that how this same police force messed up with Arushi murder case. In recent past they broke all rules and ethic when they gone to disclosed the details about a rape victim to the media.

Since BJP government came to the power the wind of changes came in Karnataka. All right wing parties acting as reformer when the politician from the party need to be reformed.

Moral policing reared its head again, this time in BJP-ruled Karnataka where members of a right-wing Hindu group assaulted girls in a Mangalore pub, accusing them of behaving in an “obscene manner”. Eyewitnesses said the girls were chased and thrashed by activists of the Sri Ram Sena as they tried to flee from the pub on the busy Balmatta Road in the heart of Mangalore. There were also allegations that some of the girls were molested.

A slap without a sound
Nisha Susan, a 29-year-old journalist, decided to counterattack. With several associates, she launched a group on the social networking Web site, Facebook. They called it the "Consortium of Pub-Going, Loose and Forward Women." And they unveiled a plan to dispatch piles of pink knickers to the leader of Sri Ram Sena in a nonviolent gesture of defiance. The women chose Valentine's Day. This day particularly rankles right-wing Hindu extremists, who consider it an immoral commercialized Western import.


A heaven for Police, underworld and corrupt politicians nexus, almost five dozens of films made on this topic. Mumbai have a new reformer, a hockey stick wielding policeman, the Assistant Commissioner of Police Vasant Dhoble.

Mr Dhoble's track record in the police force say that he himself is a serial offender but always saved by the political patronage. He had come under scanner in 2008 for alleged “negligence” as he lost 12 important files on global terrorist and underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. He was suspended in 1989 for accepting a bribe in Pune. In 1994, he was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined a lakh for his role in a custodial death. He was dismissed from the force but reinstated in 1996, after his jail sentence was dismissed by the Mumbai High Court. A departmental inquiry against him is still pending in this case - the Supreme Court had ordered this.

You believe or not, this man now called himself a social reformer. He has redefined 'social service', wielding his hockey stick to devastating effect and a camera. In January this year at a bar on Sahar Road in Andheri. Dhoble arrived past midnight only to find no girls present there. Dhoble went into the kitchen, discovering a narrow passage leading to a 2x2 sq ft door. He couldn't break in but slid his cellphone under the door and took pictures. They revealed tell-tale evidence: Ten girls, all in their 20s, standing in a well-lit room-five of them in shimmery saris, two in mini-skirts and three in jeans and tops. Dhoble called the local police and forced the bar owner to open the door to the secret room. The girls are now at a women's reform home in Chembur.

Sixty four-year-old Yusuf Bhure, owner of the Mogal Sarai restaurant in Bandra, fell unconscious and partially lost his hearing after Dhoble struck him on the ear and groin while inspecting the restaurant.

This week newspaper revealed that 1.8m Indians suffer cop torture.  It is time to send a strong message to the so-called social reformers and the monsters hiding in the uniform.

!!!Only the cowards who preferred to demonstrate their supremacy on the innocent.!!!

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