Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coup d’etat!

A brilliantly executed stratagem or  a triumph, also described as a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act or move. Also can be defined as a clever action or accomplishment. That was what a coup meant for. However, coups are not so glorifying act, most of the cases it is benefiting a handful power greed men specially those in uniform. The coups, mostly ends with lots of bloodshed. My beloved country, India is the largest democratic country and second largest populated one, no Indian will ever dream of a military coup, specially in this wonderful land. However, from out of blue there was a speculation about it. All speculations are based on the news that, on 16th  January night without notifying the government the infantry unit of the 33rd Armoured Division based 150 kilometres from Delhi and a unit of the airborne 50 Para brigade based in Agra to the south, reached the outskirts of Delhi before being ordered back. According to the Indian Express newspaper report, this movement raised alarms in the capital. However, Indian defense ministry and the army quickly denied the report. The Indian army and defense ministry said the units were engaged in routine exercises to test mobility in fog and did not need to warn the government in advance. Coup in India? It seems like a third degree joke.

coups are very common in the Muslim countries, countries those practice communism, East African and South American countries.  Bagladesh, Pakistan, Argentina have experienced several such incidents. Look back to a few that taken place since last 50 years.


There were several coups since hard fought freedom in 1971. On 15 August 1975 a coup was organized by officers of Bangladesh Army. They were led by Major Syed Faruqe Rahman and Major Rashid. The coup resulted in the assassination of the country's president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his entire family (daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana escaped as they were in Germany) and several ministers and leaders of the Awami League. The government set up by Major Faruque, Major Rashid and Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was overthrown in another coup on 3 November 1975. Ziaur Rahman survived as many as 21 coups during his five years until succumbing to the 22nd one.


Since its independence in 1947, Pakistan  has spent several decades under military rule and there have also been numerous unsuccessful attempts since 1949. Operation Fair Play was the code-name for the coup d'etat conducted at midnight on July 4, 1977 by the Pakistani military led by army chief Gen. Zia-ul-Haq against the government of then-Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. In October, 1999 senior officers loyal to army chief Gen. Pervez Musharraf arrested prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his ministers after thwarting the Sharif regime's attempt to dismiss Musharraf and prevent his plane from landing in Pakistan as he returned from a visit to Sri Lanka.
Even there was speculation about a attempted coup in Nepal around May, 2009.  Most of the cases the coup leaders ends terms ends with an another coup or same  like Ziaur Rahman, Zia-ul-Haq and don’t forget Saddam Hussein.

Till date, Army, in India is very respected and untouchable but if ever such situation arrived then the handful men uniform have to fight a billion plus people, impossible task.

!!!Lucky, born in a democratic country and will fight against all odds to live as one!!!

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