Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blood Money!

Blood’ and ‘Money’, both words are related to in many ways. All money we earned in our life, considered to be the same as “Blood Money”. Of course only if it obtained by putting lots of hard work and honesty. Heaps of water pass over our head while putting two and two together to make out a decent life and every decent life needs adequate funds. I consider my money whatever I earned by sweating days and nights is the money that made while churning out of my blood, therefore, I am having a few of those. However, generally the words are always not meant for a noble cause. If we go through dictionary then we will find two different meanings of it. First one when money given as the fees to a hire a killer to kill some one, in India it is also known as Supari. Other one, in some cultures, compensation paid to the relatives of somebody who has been killed or murdered and for me both are crime and not different from each other.

I am not against any community but when a dear one killed by someone and then I decided to pardon the accused by accepting money is gruesome as good as  sort of kidnapping, killing and walking with ransom money. Apart from Muslim countries, it legal in Japan, Korea and Somalia.

If we turned back to out history then, in the Christian Bible, the term is used to refer to the thirty pieces of silver Judas Iscariot receives in exchange for revealing the identity of Jesus Christ to the forces sent by the Pharisees and/or the Sanhedrin. After the crucifixion of Christ, Judas returns the payment to the chief priests, who took the silver pieces and said, ‘It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood’.

I am going to put two recent incidents and both happened in our neighbouring state, where first case it was an American and other case seventeen Indians citizen were involved.


Raymond Davis the American CIA Agent, shot dead two men in Lahore, he insists that he was acting in self-defence against a pair of suspected robbers, who were both carrying guns. Raymond Davis has been the subject of widespread speculation since he opened fire with a semi-automatic Glock pistol on the two men who had pulled up in front of his car at a red light on 25 January.  Pakistani authorities rightly charged him with murder, the Obama administration has insisted he is an "administrative and technical official" attached to its Lahore consulate and has diplomatic immunity. However,  finally he has been released after families of the two Pakistanis he killed 'Pardoned' after Blood Money  Payment, the amount has also been a matter of some speculation.


On Mar 28, 2010, the Sharjah Court had pronounced the death sentence on the 17 Indian nationals, who were accused of killing a Pakistani named Misri Khan in Jan 2009. Seventeen men, 16 from Punjab and one from Haryana. The victim, himself was a  bootlegger, he was killed during a brawl due to problem between two groups. Dubai based hotelier S P Singh Oberoi who played most crucial role in arranging and paying blood money and negotiating with the family of the deceased which was earlier adamant on the "revenge". The money paid to the family was equivalent to Rs 9 crores.

I feel, Pardon is sacred word and ability to Pardon is a great human quality that should be unconditional.

Bottom Line: If, an Indian killed by seventeen  Pakistanis, the judgment  would have been nothing sort of this.

!!!Word pardon cannot come in a package containing words like revenge, faking and conditions.!!!

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