Thursday, May 05, 2011

A Wedding and a Funeral!

Do not confused this one with Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell’sFour weddings and a funeral’, nice movie. Today writing about the two incidents that occurred since last Thursday, both the events pleased our television channels as the TRP index touched to a new high specially for all news channels.

Will-Kate Wedding!

First one was the wedding, termed as the wedding of the century, when Prince William of Wales, second in line to the throne, married to Catherine Middleton. The wedding took place in Westminster Abbey, which has a long tradition as venue for royal weddings, but strange that there was a hiatus, from 1382 to 1918, no wedding took place in Westminster Abbey. After almost over five hundred fifty years in 1919, Princess Patricia, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was married to Alexander Ramsay. Even Prince William’s parents preferred St Paul's Cathedral. That wedding took place on 29th July 1981. I was least bothered about it and was watching a very engrossing tennis match involving Bjorn Borg.

Prince William of Wales (Present: His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge)

Prince William  was born within a year of his parent’s marriage, on born 21 June 1982. After completing his studies from Eton College, William took part in British Army training exercises in Belize. After a gap of year he back to the studies in London in University of St Andrews and going on to earn a Master of Arts degree. He is in various sports like basketball, polo, rugby and football. He is an ardent fan of English Football club Aston Villa (Why?).

At Present, he is with the Royal Air Force (RAF), with their rescue mission as co-pilot of Sea King Helicopter.

Catherine Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)

Kate, she is just an ordinary girl with lots of substance. She grew up in Chapel Row at Bucklebury, a village in Berkshire, England.  She studied in Scotland where she met William, they were flatmate. Prior to her wedding, Catherine Middleton was created Duchess of Cambridge.

Will-Kate marriage took place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey, that watched by 2 billion people worldwide.

Obama Shoots Osama!

Barrack Obama – Born in August 4, 1961, his mother was an American from Hawaii  and father was Kenyan.  His parents separated when his father went to Harvard University on scholarship, and then divorced in 1964. His father remarried and returned to Kenya, he died in an automobile accident in 1982. Obama's mother married to an Indonesian and the family moved to Jakarta. Four years, until he was ten, Obama attended local schools in Jakarta and in 1971, returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents. His mother Stanley Ann Dunham, died in 1995 form ovarian cancer. After completing his B.A. from Columbia University and Law from Harvard, Obama returned to the Chicago. He married to Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama and they are having two daughters.

Later he plunged into active politics, he was elected Senator form Illinois from 1994 to 2007 and then US Senator from 2005 to 2008. In January 2009, he became the forty-fourth President of United States.


Everything I write about him, I have to toss a special coin with three sides, True, False and Not Sure. Therefore, I feel following texts are true, may be false but there is no surety, yet decided to write.

He was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to Mohammed bin Laden, a wealthy businessman and Mohammed bin Laden's tenth wife. Most probably, he was born in March 10, 1957. It believed that he was a Civil Engineer but not sure. He had married four women and fathered almost two dozens children (approx). In early days Osama mainly worked for restoration of Sharia law. From 1979 through 1989, he lived in Peshawar to fight the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, this operation was under U.S. Presidents Carter and Reagan. The United States Central Intelligence Agency provided the financial aid, arms and training to Osama's Islamic Jihad Mujahideen through Operation. President Reagan often praised the Mujahideen as Afghanistan's "Freedom Fighters."

The honeymoon with USA was long over but finally it was ended after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saddam Hussein and then when Saudi monarchy invited the U.S. troops in Saudi territoryOsama was against the foreign troops entering the "land of the two mosques" (Mecca and Medina). In 1992, he went to live in exile in Sudan. After an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak by Al-Qaeda, in 1995 and thereafter pressure from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and USA, Sudan expelled Osama. He returned to Afghanistan. He was the main architect behind series of bomb blast throughout the world and the September 11, 2001 attack on USA that left over three thousand dead and destroyed the twin towers. This follows Afghan war and subsequently end of Taliban regime, since then there were speculation about Osama’s whereabouts.

It is believed that on May 1, 2011, the SEAL commandos from USA killed him, he is dead and buried beneath in the sea. I like everything about these commandos, be it SEAL or our beloved MARCOS, these faceless commandos are very very special.

During 1980’s Afghan war against Soviet, Bin Laden considered as a freedom fighter by USA government but he died as a villain and under supervision of same USA government.

!!!Therefore, what next, wait and watch for the next Frankenstein created and destroyed by USA,  the expense of this ‘operation destroy’ is only $1.3 trillion.!!!

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