Thursday, March 13, 2014

? Years of a Slaves – II

Estimated 30 million people are enslaved worldwide or trafficked into brothels. They forced into labour or pushed to the flesh trade.

It is shame that India is standing at fourth spot and almost half of the world modern slaves are in India. All 162 countries, be it developed, developing or under developed the modern slavery still exists. The above pieced of information surveyed by Walk Free, an Australian-based rights group.

Worst countries with modern day slaves

          1.       Mauritania
          2.       Haiti
          3.       Pakistan
          4.       India
          5.       Nepal
          7.       Benin

Type of Modern day slavery

Forced Labor : Used for any work or services which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form punishment. Most  of the forced labourer are forced to work for:   
          1.       Agriculture and fishing
          2.       Domestic work
          3.       Construction, mining, quarrying and brick kilns
          4.       Manufacturing, processing and packaging
          5.       Prostitution and sexual exploitation

Human/Sex Trafficking : People are frequently illegally trafficked through the countries for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and  

Bonded labour : Also known as debt bondage is a person's pledge of their labor or services as security for the repayment for a debt.

Brick Kiln, carpet industries, fireworks manufactures are known for hiring child for their service.

 In the western part of India’s capital city, New Delhi, more than 5,000 domestic worker placement agencies operate out of a nondescript neighborhood called Shakurpur Basti. For years, the agencies have flourished by indulging in the business of trafficking minor girls and selling them as domestic slaves in the cities. To expose this racket of trafficking and to uncover their modus operandi, we waited for days with a hidden camera, posing as a family interested in employing a girl.

The agencies liaise with natives of remote villages, mostly from the eastern part of India, who, as “local agents” carry out the first step in the trafficking process. The agents identify underage girls from extremely poor families and lure them to the city with the promise of a good job. Once the girls are in the city, the agents sell them for about Rs. 10000 each to a domestic worker placement agency. The agency then re-sells her to a family as domestic labor.

Mumbai : A Mumbai trader has been arrested for allegedly torturing an 11-year-old who was forced to eat chillies which were also rubbed on her body.

LAHORE: Erum Ramazan, a 10-year-old domestic help, and Azra, 16, were allegedly killed by their employers

New Delhi:  A US-based NRI woman was arrested on Thursday for allegedly torturing her domestic help. Arti Jain, 45, was arrested from her Mayur Vihar Phase-I residence in east Delhi. "The victim was working at Jain's house for over four months. She was employed through a  placement agency," a police officer said. The 24-year-old domestic help, who is from West Bengal, told the police that she was burnt by her employer with a hot iron whenever she demanded her salary. The woman has alleged that she was kept confined in the house, and had managed to get out of the house on Wednesday and call out to a neighbour for help.

New Delhi: MP Dhananjay Singh's wife Jagriti Singh, 10 months ago. On Monday, she died after a  particularly savage beating through the Diwali weekend, all because she hadn't woken her employer on time. Jagriti Singh, a dentist who has a three-year-old son, was arrested on Tuesday for the murder of her domestic help and the torture of a minor who also worked for her. Mr Singh has also been arrested for destruction of evidence and abetment to murder.

New Delhi:  A 13-year-old domestic help, who was allegedly assaulted and locked up by her employer, was rescued from Sarojini Nagar in south Delhi last evening. The girl claimed that she was frequently beaten up and kept locked in her room for days by her employer who works as an airhostess.

!!!All cruelty springs from weakness. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca!!!

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