Thursday, August 22, 2013

World’s obsession with the Royals!

Once, India was known as country of snake charmer and also country of Raja and Maharajas. However, today India is the largest democratic country and no more Rajas and Maharajas around but there is whole lot countries exist which still practices monarchy. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Brunei etc. still ruled by the king. As citizen of the world we hardly bother about the kings and queens but British Royals not fall in these criteria. Even. the British monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy, means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.

Although the British Sovereign no longer has a political or executive role, he or she continues to play an important part in the life of the nation and whole world. In the beginning I was far from it because I found them boring and conservative bunch of people. Queen Elizabeth and her family seem nice enough but have no real accomplishments. However with emergence of princes Diana I too caught in the same web.

Princess Diana was a ray of sunshine, a breath of fresh air. She had a fairytale wedding, married her prince and moved into a castle. While she didn't live happily ever after, she touched people with her unselfishness, support for numerous worthy charities. She had a heart of gold even with her very own human flaws and vulnerabilities. Everyone in the royal family including Queen Elizabeth was amazed at the attention she brought to the royal family.

This royal fascination, or even obsession, is not a new one, and it is part of our thirst for more, more, more. So, what’s the deal with it anyway? Here are some psychological reasons

The Royal family is always in the media, every day, decade after decade. While stars sometimes fade, we follow the royal family from birth to death.

Commonwealth countries weren’t the only ones closely watching the Queen's Diamond Jubilee over the past four days. Americans are renowned for their love affair with the British Royal family. That might seem ironic, given the symbolism of aristocracy, royalty, and colonisation is in stark contrast to the American values of capitalism, democracy, and freedom.

With the wedding of Prince William and Katherine Middleton and now the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis, the monarchy has a new generation of royal watchers. Which hopefully, they will not disappoint us. By the time, Kate Middleton becomes the Queen she will be the most famous woman in the world. An estimated 2.5 billion people watched the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, many more times than the any other events.

!!!The monarchy is a labour intensive industry.- Harold Wilson !!!

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