Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dial M.D.M for Murder! The Murderous Deadly Meal!

There are few things that make my country worst of all. First the appalling population and other is the bureaucracy. Majority of the vast population are living below poverty line and undoubtedly it is government’s duty to provide them with the basic necessities, health and education for these people. Instead of serving the purpose most of the bureaucrats are busy serving their own purpose. In every case administration failed to provide comfort to the weaker class. The Mid-Day-Meal tragedy is one of such cases where show that the government is least bothered about the welfare of poorer. The teachers of every government school in India, be it in south or north behave as they are running a business of their own. The incident in Bihar is not the first one and with the worthless arrogant peoples sitting at the top this will be not the last one too.

The Midday Meal

The Midday meal (MDM) Scheme being given to children to attract them to schools is not being run properly. The menu is not being followed in some schools while in others the food is being served in an unhygienic way. Sub-standard meal is being given to schools. The government is running various schemes to generate interest for education among the students under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. The children are being motivated to come to school by giving them mid day meal, scholarship and uniforms but laxity of district administration and the basic education department is rendering the government slogan 'Sab padhe, sab badhe' meaningless.

The Disasters


Chhapra, 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry, and could not be sure that they would get another opportunity to eat that day. The food was filled with concentrated pesticides. 23 children died and even more fell ill. This happened because of the complete lack of oversight and accountability in the implementation of the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), for which the state government is to be blamed. In addition to this failure, more children died because of the lack of available antidotes at health clinics.

A forensic report confirmed the presence of poisonous pesticide in the mid-day meal served to the students of the school where 23 children died after taking the contaminated food.


The findings justify the rise in incidents of children falling ill after having free lunch in schools reported from Cuttack, Sundargarh, Ganjam, Malkangiri and Balangir districts recently. Government authorities, however, said enough checks and balances had been put in place to ensure quality meals for the children.

These are a few of many such incidents tell the story of terrible human ignorance towards the others. It is time for our beloved bureaucrats from macro to mega levels should change their perspective. They should learn to treat everyone as human being and worth a life as good as anyone in the earth.

!!!The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don't understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it. - Bertolt Brecht!!!

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