Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cloud Nine Ecstasy – Seventh Heaven [ Part - IV ]

Ghangaria: A tiny valley situated at an altitude of 10000ft., standing in the balcony of my hotel I can see the mountain; it was just a few meters away. All evening spent lazing in my room, I tried to recollect the moments when I rested the same way at an odd hour, but could not recollect a single except a few during sickness. Missing a computer and cursing myself for not buying a Notebook before coming here.

River Pushpawati

On My Way

Every Mountain is Unique

Valley of Flowers (History) : In 1931, Frank S. Smythe a British mountaineer lost his way while returning from a successful expedition to Mt.Kamet and he reached this valley which was full of flowers. He was so attracted towards the beauty of the place he named it as "Valley of Flowers".

In 1939 Miss Margaret Legge, from Edinburgh came to the valley for studies. While she was moving through some rocky slopes to collect flowers, she slipped off and was lost for ever. Her sister later visited the valley and erected a memorial near the spot.

Flower Bed -> >

Next morning, August 27 was the D-day for us, got up at 5a.m. and decided to take a bucket of hot water for bath. After morning tea, ordered for a packed breakfast. Weather was excellent, bought a walking stick made out of bamboo and started towards the destination for what I came here. I took a porter and started alone; my journey to a fairyland situated at an altitude of 12000ft, of-course from Ghangaria it is 2000ft. This time River Pushpawati was giving me the company. The four-kilometer route took around 3 hours time. Mr. Seth, Mr. Vyas, Mr. Umesh and some of my group members were already there.

Flowers and Flowers

The valley are surrounded by mountains and a glacier, the glacier was almost six kilometer from the valley, it was exactly opposite direction of our trekking route. After having breakfast from my kitty, decided to go further but after about walking for twenty minutes, remembered that I left my raincoat behind, even weather was good and sun was shining brightly but still in mountain no one can predict about the weather, so I decided to come back to the place where I left my belongings. On the way, I met both Suhashs, Soumitra Biswas and wife Sutapa, all were moving further. While coming back surprised and shocked when somebody called me in Bengali as “Didi” (elder sister). Gosh! There were the three gentlemen who were travelling with me in the train while I was on my way to Haridwar, standing with an ear-to-ear smile. It was a unique experience to see them there, after exchanging pleasantries they vanished towards the glacier, the speed they generated while moving further was unbelievable. What an experience, coming from same city, boarded same train and accidentally lodged in same hotel, then meeting in the heaven created by ultimate super power.


Give me Red

Flowers were little below expectation all because due to excessive rain but still it was worth all trouble what I had taken for. Memories will remain with me but clicked at everything whatever I felt like along with a couple of videos too.

After two hours I decided to return back, on my way back met Madhusudhan, Madhuri, Mr. Daulat and Mr. Vasant Dhabke . Mr. Daulat requested me to click one of his photos, so, I did it.

Just look at Me

Flowers Bed

Mountains Own Creation - Tourist Rest Shade

Sun was shining brightly, feeling little hot as well as getting tired; around two in the afternoon came back to hotel, after little rest, took my lunch along with Madhusudhan Bhaiji. He was the most talkative person in our group. His knowledge about Hindu mythology amazed me; it was good experience while talking to him. It was rest and rest all the evening and took a few dose of arnica as precaution. While lying in bed just scanned through the pictures from my camera. Of course, what I captured through my eyes and stored in my memory will be with me until my last day.

Paint me Yellow -> >

Back to Ghangaria

 !!!WOW! Kudos to this gardener, secretly gardening, budding and caring this wonderful garden in the valley, hope at least you can give a big thumbs down to the global warming.!!!

[Journey Cont….]

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cloud Nine Ecstasy – The Uphill task [ Part - III ]

Joshimath : At an Altitude of 6000ft and temperature was cooler, most probably around 15ยบ Celsius or less. 

August 26, morning waked up at 5a.m. and enjoyed a cold-water bath. Decided to leave one bag at Joshimath, divided the belongings in two parts, most needed for next three days packed in one of the bag, lucky one indeed. After breakfast, we left for Govindghat
After breakfast, we left for Govindghat. This twenty-two kilometer bus ride through the narrow road along the mountain ranges took us almost an hour. The sight was unbelievable and even better than previous day. 

 Way to Ghangaria

 Sikh Pilgrimages
 LaxmanGanga River

After reaching Govindghat, it was time for each one to decide their respective mode of transport.  Palanquin was one of the option but very costly affair too; one has to book it for all four days. Madhusudhan Bhaiji decided to take it as he was having some problem with his legs. Other options were a horse (rather call it mule) or hire a porter to carry your luggage and then trek along 14-kilometer narrow route to Ghangaria. Of-course option  to hire a porter depends upon your luggage. Taking a horse not at all a “chickening out” act, it was very tiring and as well as quite dangerous too. Anyhow, everything settled within an hour and then the real journey started. Here onwards we left alone with our own way and own respective pattern. We were moving along Laxmanganga River, obviously, the river is flowing opposite direction. The en route ingredients like mountain ranges, trees, river and sound of water from the river has everything that can give one an unforgettable memories to live with. Most of the peoples, who were trekking down or up, mostly were Sikh pilgrimages for Hemkund Sahib. Some of them even walking without any foot wares, it shows that how much courage one can get form their respective religious belief. At this juncture, I was all alone, so my journey was a lonely one but latter, at some point Madhuri joined me. On the way stopped twice to a roadside tea-stall, there were some tiny villages too. While moving along never failed to click whatever I can and still not satisfied. These includes a couple of photographs that found myself in the frame too, could not resists otherwise always avoid this. The journey was even memorable as we were going up, from 6000ft. to 10000ft. The sights around; please spare me I am not having enough words to describe it, just look at the pictures that I posted and keep guessing.
Around mid-afternoon, had the first sight of Ghangaria, when a few small colourful tents could be seen just outskirt of it. GMVN TRH was at the starting point only, Madhuri and myself approached to the concern person over there and got my room at Priya Hotel. After changing my clothes, instantly gone to bed. Gosh, it was cool; specially the bed was very nippy. After resting for an hour decided to go for lunch, took Roti and Vegetable along with a cup of tea and retired to my room. 

 River Runs Through
Paint me Green
Who is the Painter?

Ghangaria is use as base camp for these two places Valley of Flowers and Hemkund Sahib. The business over here meant only  for these  three and half months. Economic wise peoples here are very backward; there is no electricity or proper telephone connectivity. Whatever commodity used here come either from Govindghat or from Joshimath, so foods and other necessities were very costly. One liter packed mineral water bottle cost around 30 bucks. After these three months period, everyone goes back to his or her respective home somewhere at a lower altitude and during winter, Ghangaria endured a deserted look. They said that during these time, Ghangaria fully covered with snow and even wild bears from near by mountains come to stay here. 

For electricity,  fully depended on the hotel generator, that works between morning 5 to 7 and night 7 to 11. Most important work during this time was to recharge all batteries, camera and mobile. Night I took an omelet and two-piece bread and then gone to sleep, but sleep denied my company for a long time.

Some Encouraging Status
First Sight (OOPS!)

!!!The next moment is always a mystery, over the years performed and acted perfectly so walking towards an unknown horizon was not a big deal.!!!

[Journey Cont….]

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cloud Nine Ecstasy – The inception [ Part - II ]

Night spent in Haridwar and there after all other places were a forgotten experience as since long time I never stayed alone. August 25, waked up well before wake up knock, it was raining heavily. Before starting from Kolkata itself, knew about the heavy rains, cloudburst and landslides over here. Family and friends were very much against the trip but my message was clear about the trip so finally they stopped complaining. An old gentleman from Haridwar also warned me against the Badrinath trip. Therefore, when the precipitation said a very gloomy good morning to me on that very day my heart certainly skipped a few beats even I am a person who is crazy about rain. At that very moment, I was keeping my finger crossed about the success of the trip. After finishing my affair with bathroom, it was time for packing. Got myself a sandwich and tea and when came to hotel reception, got the first sight of the other members of same tour, of course not by name but by the face. When we about to board the bus, miraculously, yes, it is the correct word, the rain god decided to say a warm good bye. This miracle continues throughout our tour baring a few drops here and there.


Mr. Narendra Rana the GMVN guide for the tour whom I met previous evening was there for seat allotment. After boarding GMVN 27x2-seater bus, the first thing was a surprise for me as I was the first one who booked for this slot. Therefore, seat number one allotted to me. However, for seat allotment there was little disagreement taken place but soon sorted out. The tour was having twenty-four people, seven from Delhi. First starting with Mr. Rajesh and Dr Khandelwal, after reading Dr. Kahndelwal’s blog, came to know that he toured Antarctica. Wow! Well, it is an extraordinary feet what he achieved, I would never dared to dream that big. Mr. Seth, Mr. Ahuja, Mr. Umesh and there were two more gentleman too from Delhi itself. There were two young friends both was Suhash, one from Pune and other from Mumbai. The young couple Madhusudan Gilda and wife Madhuri was from Mumbai too and was very helpful to everyone throughout the tour. Six peoples were from Nasik, Mr. Daulat and Mr. Davidas, unique combo as Mr. Daulat’s daughter married to Mr. Davidas son, so this tie bonded them  and both are terrific trekker. I got very friendly with two lovely ladies from Nasik Madhuji and Induji as well as their respective husband Mr. Goyal and Mr. Mohan. Husband wife duo, Mr. Soumitra Biswas and Mrs. Sutapa Biswas was from Kolkata and Mr. Kailas and Mrs. Indu was to complete the India’s missing link from south as they were from Chennai. The lonely souls were myself, Mr. Basant Dhabke from Baroda, oldest one, seventy-four,  and finally Madhusudan Vyasji, when I concluded the tour he helped me a lot. Oh, yes, if you feel that the heart is missing from the group, I am talking about central part of India then Mr. and Mrs. Goyal actually from M.P. What a wonderful experience it was, some unknown faces from all over India coming under one roof to form a group and that too for a unique expedition.

Therefore, the journey starts little behind scheduled, moving along the road and looking at the cloud cover mountain ranges, Gosh! it was magnificent sight, sensing like moving along a painting. Then there were springs, flush points, step farming, tiny picture perfect villages and the confluence (Bhagirathi-Alkananda) at Devoprayg. On the way, there were a few interruptions due to landslides; some roads were very dangerous due to excessive rain. Some bridges too destroyed and we had to move over the remains. According to the schedule, our lunch planned at Rudraprayg but due to all these interruptions, we halted at Srinagar, GMVN TRH (Tourist Rest House). Missed a plate of rice since left Kolkata, decided to order a Veg. Pulao and Raita. Quantity was huge and food was not good, thereafter decided that during the trip would never try any rice dishes. After an hour break, we proceed to Joshimath and not halting at Rudraprayag as scheduled, everyone agreed to the plan to stop at Rudraprayg while returning. When we reached at Joshimath, it was 8.30p.m.; we lodged in a JMVN hotel, condition over there was below par to our expectation. Bought the dinner and gone to sleep, mind was still disturb, as next day and there after was the very crucial and a decisive one.

 Step Farming

 Water finds its Way

!!!Afternoon gossips and boring TV serials are not my forte, challenging the destiny, success or failure both gives a zing and spice to live on.!!!

[Journey Cont….]

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Cloud Nine Ecstasy – First foot forward [Part - I]

Tour Map
This one was the first break since I started blogging. Therefore, back from the break, the break that breaks me up in pieces but still it is given me a lifetime experience.

During our lifetime we dream about many things, dreams are neither a sin nor is harmful and not considered to be an illusion. Lying in cool comfort in your bed, staring endlessly at the roof and keep dreaming about unachievable, no, I always dream when I move around, so my dreams are always a constructive one. Of course some dreams may failed to see the light but quite a few are there that I able to put it where I wanted.

In 1987, one of my friend from Mumbai visited Valley of flower, after looking at those beautiful snaps instantly started dreaming to be there. Sadly, not able to make the trip and due course now I am older by twenty-three years but my spirit is still young as well as my urge to visit the place never died down. After reaching a particular age some of the things looks very difficult but last year after coming back from Orissa, I told myself ‘Now or Never’. I knew all the way that my folks would not able to accompany me and I have to travel all by myself. I was petty sure that I will manage to get a package tour from my city Kolkata, but after surfing the net, I found there was none. Finally, one hot afternoon, in the month of May I had to knock the door of GMVN office at Marshall House in Kolkata.

While booking, I was bit confused about the suitable scheduled to book, finally gone for the one that starting on August 25. Without any delay, I got both train tickets, I mean for Haridwar-Howrah, back and forth. Uttarakhand! Even my whole family visited these places, I was never been to this part of the world before. These three months period was a tense one for me as I was always feeling that something or other could emerge that may forced me to cancel the trip. Only thing that was eating up my mind, after reaching Haridwar I have no fixed place to stay. My friends gave me a few contacts but still little scared thinking if train gets late. In our country, it is very difficult for a woman to travel alone no matter what is the age or criteria one belong.

Back counting all the way for ninety days while busy with my fourteen hour daily scheduled. When I was just fifteen days away from the journey date, started gathering the things that mostly needed. My grand, who is eleven years old, kind enough to lend me his shoe but I decided to buy a new pair from Reebok, an extra two GB memory card for my camera, a raincoat and the other things that was a must for the tour. Finally while packing I found that my backpack was overloaded so decided to offload a few things and carry one extra bag for all my basic necessities.

Starting was not very good one, on the day of the journey, I mean August 22, train was late by two hours, instead of taking the car I decided to take a cab and reached Howrah station, waited patiently around three hours for the train, after that long wait, finally boarded. My co-passengers were three gentlemen, also to a trekking mission and their plan was big one, hundred and seventy-two kilometer that includes Valley of flower and Hemkund Sahib.

We reached Haridwar next day and around 10.30p.m., that means train was late by six hours. It was scary to be an unknown land all alone and at night, but the three gentlemen who were travelling with me helped me to get a room in a nearby hotel where they too decided to lodge in. Next day I have to reach Hrishikesh and join the remaining members of the tour to GMVN Yatra office-cum-hotel. Morning was no good as it was raining heavily, finally around mid-afternoon rain stopped and I took an auto-rickshaw to reach the destination. I was relieved after clearing the first hurdle. Bought myself a lunch from the restaurant and tried to get some rest, looking forward to the tour which going to start from next morning.
!!!Having the courage to chase a dream, no matter even it is twenty-three years old.!!!

[Journey Cont….]