Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hidden Monster and Crouching Tiger!

Between human and animal, the big different is not the intelligent quotient, I think there are animals those cleverer than the human being is. Only difference can be counted is known as humanity, without this the two legged are not much differ from its four legged counterpart. If I said ‘not much differ’ then I am very soft, may be I am a human too. There are hardly a few who lived a life and die being a human where other considerable numbers are always involved in horrifying and beastly act. Often we wonder how it is possible but it is a bitter fact. Riots are a kind of manufactured disaster principally created by the opportunist like politicians for their personal gains. In India riots mostly based on religious feeling and there is no secret that it happened mainly between two communities, Hindus and Muslims. Indians had seen some worst riots and I too was a silent spectator one such. Watched with wide eyes and horror, it was the other side of the human that was as worst as like a wild hungry animal.

Here is some of the riots which taken place in India since Independent.

Partition of India

Riots after partition will be the first among others, which started on 16 August 1946. A partition plan was accepted but no large population movements were contemplated. As India and Pakistan become independent, 14.5 million people crossed borders to ensure their safety in an increasingly lawless and communal environment. While the British authority was gone, the newly formed governments were completely unequipped to deal with migrations of such staggering magnitude, and massive violence and slaughter occurred on both sides of the border along communal lines. Estimates of the number of deaths range around roughly 500,000, with low estimates at 200,000 and high estimates at 1,000,000.

1984 Anti-Sikh Riots

Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31 October 1984 by two of her bodyguards in retaliation for the storming of the Golden temple. After the assassination the 1984 anti-Sikh riots took place in Delhi, where government and police officials aided by some of the ministers and workers from ruling party. They were "methodically and systematically" targeting Sikhs and Sikh homes.  As a result of that 10,000-17,000 were burned alive or otherwise killed, Sikh people suffered massive property damage, and "at least 50,000" Sikhs became displaced persons. To date, the Government of India has not prosecuted any of the assailants.

Gujarat Riots

Should I say that the Gujarat is the safe heaven for rioters, because on record there are more than half a dozen riots taken place in different parts of Gujarat.  However, February 2002, Gujarat riots happened after the burning at Godhra, of a coach of the Sabarmati express which was coming from Ayodhya, carrying kar sevaks was one of the worst of all. It also said as a state sponsored riots but as of now nothing is proved. On 27 February 2002 at Godhra City  in the state of Gujarat, the Sabarmati Express train was attacked by a large Muslim mob  in a conspiracy.  As a result, 58 Hindu pilgrims, mostly women and children of ladies compartment returning from Ayodhya, were killed. The attack prompted retaliatory massacres against Muslims and communal riots on a large scale, in which 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed and 223 more people were reported missing. 523 places of worship were damaged: 298 dargahs, 205 mosques, 17 temples, and 3 churches. Muslim-owned businesses suffered the bulk of the damage. 61,000 Muslims and 10,000 Hindus fled their homes.  Nearly 10,000 rounds of bullets were fired in police shootings that killed 93 Muslims and 77 Hindus.

Mumbai Riots

It was unbelievable till its happened. After what I saw still I cannot imagine a riots in Mumbai. I was caught unaware at the first day itself. On that morning I left home little earlier than usual as for an appointment, Muslims mob started pelting stone on the local trains by which I was going to my office. It was happened on 7th December, 1992 in between Vidyavihar and Kurla station. It was the first reaction after the Babri Masjid demolition by saffron brigades of India. The riots happened between 7th December, 1992 to 12th December and again recurs with a vengeance in first week of January 1993, that was really worst of it when whole Mumbai started burning.  The riots in Mumbai, in December 1992 and January 1993, in which around 900 people died. An estimated 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus died and 2,000 people were injured in the riots.

During that time, there was a sudden spurt in attendance at Friday namaaz in mosques, which was interpreted by the Hindu fanatics as ominous and evidencing intent to seek revenge on the part of Muslims. The Hindus replied with their ingenious Maha-artis on the street itself, ostensibly to protest against the namaaz on streets and calling of azaans from mosques. Life in Mumbai limp back to normal from 20th  January.

To that riots and the aftermath which led to the 1993 Bombay bomb blasts. Two months later, Muslims retaliate from over the boundary by planting 13 bombs in the different parts of Mumbai. The bombs in Worli, Air India Building and Dalal Street (Share Market) were worst affected by that carnage.

!!!(Hue)man, superior to the animal in true sense, as they accustom to alter their colour like a chameleon at their wish!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Staying Alive!

Even, music came to me normally but I was one who shut the door to it. Like almost every Bengali middle class family, my parent too tried hard to inject some music sense into me. They wanted me to learn it but at that time I felt that their wish was sort of force on me and I tried my best to walk to the opposite path. I think at a certain age we all feel the same. Today I know how foolish I was but there is no point of returning. Music is an quintessence, shutting door is not enough to move away from it, I have to gave up and then latter embrace it back. No, I never learned it but genuinely loved it.  In our early days it was ‘Rabindra Sangeet’, song written by  Tagore and then a time comes for every Indian to move away to the Hindi Film song, I was too not an exception. Where for English, it started with Beatles and Elvis and then there is never ending list. I also very fob of Julio Iglesias, Magda(Egyptian) and some other labels that is totally unknown to this world apart from those are involved in plagiarism. In recent past we lost two great musician, first it was Donna Summer and then Robin Gibbs of BeeGees. My little tribute to the both.

Dona Summer

Donna Summer was born on December 31, 1948 in Boston, Massachusetts. Summer's performance debut occurred at church when she was ten years old, when she replaced a vocalist who had failed to show up. Summer later attended Boston's Jeremiah E. Burke High School, where she performed in school musicals.  Summer first moved to  New York where she was a member of the blues-rock band, Crow and then Germany. She  became fluent in German, singing various songs in German.  she spent several years living in West Germany, where she married Helmut Sommer, whose surname she adopted as her stage name.

Donna Summer was the Queen of Disco in the 1970s with a pop/dance/rock sound that was a hybrid of American soul and European synthesizer based music.

Maintaining an unbroken string of hits throughout the 70s and 80s, most of which she wrote, Donna holds the record for most consecutive double albums to hit #1 on the Billboard charts and first female to have four #1 singles in a 12 month period; 3 as a solo artist and one as a duo with Barbra Streisand.

A five-time Grammy winner, Donna Summer was the first artist to win the Grammy for Best Rock Vocal Performance, Female (1979, "Hot Stuff") as well as the first-ever recipient of the Grammy for Best Dance Recording (1997, "Carry On"). In 2004, she became one of the first inductees, as both an Artist Inductee and a Record Inductee (for 1977's "I Feel Love") into the Dance Music Hall of Fame in New York City.

She Diagnosed with lung cancer, Summer died on the morning of May 17, 2012, at her home in Florida after a battle with the disease. She was posthumously described as the "undisputed queen of the Seventies disco boom" who reached the status of "one of the world's leading female singers."

Robin Gibb

Robin Gibb was born in 1949 on the Isle of Man, about half an hour before his twin brother Maurice. His parents, Barbara and Hugh, were both musical. Barbara sang and Hugh was a drummer and bandleader. Robin had four siblings - an older sister and brother, Lesley and Barry, twin Maurice and younger brother Andy. The family moved for some time to Manchester, England before emigrating to Australia in 1958.

During their childhood, Robin, Maurice and Barry began performing together. They played under various band names, but finally settled on The Bee Gees, where Andy Gibb was preferred to be a solo performer. Robin and the group also became known for penning hit records for other artists including Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.

In late 1970's, following a successful live album, Here at Last... Bee Gees... Live, the Bee Gees agreed with Stigwood to participate in the creation of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. It would be the turning point of their career. The cultural impact of both the film and the soundtrack was seismic, not only in the United States, but in the rest of the world as well, bringing the nascent disco scene mainstream.

The Bee Gees' overwhelming success rose and fell with the disco bubble. By the end of 1979, disco was rapidly declining in popularity, and the backlash against disco put the Bee Gees' American career in a tailspin. Since then they had a few album but never tasted same success. In 2001, the group released what turned out to be their final album of new material as a group, This Is Where I Came In. The album was another success, reaching the Top 10 in the UK. They disbanded officially in 2003 when Maurice Gibb died suddenly at 53.

Robin Gibb passed away on May 20th 2012. R.I.P. Robin Gibb.

!!!The Creative Souls Never Dies, they Stay Alive forever!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Menace of a must Merchandise!

Since end of seventies, the houses of middle class families gone for a huge makeover. Slowly the age old wooden furniture vanished from their houses and smoothly it was replaced by a lighter and colourful plastic made furniture. It can be called a typical middle class mentality, it was cheap and it gave a fresh and young looks to our houses.

So, welcome to the world for plastic, we even don’t count that how many times a day do we use something made from plastic, of-course unaccounted numbers of times. Surprising, even last forty years plastic encroached to our houses but. plastic has been a part of our lives for over 100 years, and its use continues to grow. You name it, plastic chairs and tools, plates and glasses buckets, bottles and mugs and of-course plastic carry bags.  Therefore, after we thoroughly invaded by the plastic and cannot imagine life beyond it, we also realised how hazardous it is, is it too late?

All about plastic

It is believed that the first man-made plastic was created somewhere around  1862. It was an organic material  that once heated could be molded.  Plastics, materials made up of large, organic (carbon-containing) molecules that can be formed into a variety of products. The molecules that compose plastics are long carbon chains that give plastics many of their useful properties. In general, materials that are made up of long, chainlike molecules are called polymers. The process of making plastic is a complicated one. It begins with carbon from petroleum, natural gas, coal, or biological sources. The elements can be combined in various combinations in order to achieve a desired property and characteristic. The final product can be hard like the siding on your house or soft and flexible like shrink wrap.

Due to their insolubility in water and relative chemical inertness, pure plastics generally have low toxicity. Some plastic products contain a variety of additives, some of which can be toxic. For example, plasticizers like adipates  and phthalates  are often added to brittle plastics like polyvinyl chloride to make them pliable enough for use in food packaging, toys, and many other items.

Plastics are durable and degrade very slowly; the chemical bonds that make plastic so durable make it equally resistant to natural processes of degradation. Since the 1950s, one billion tons of plastic have been discarded and may persist for hundreds or even thousands of years. Perhaps the biggest environmental threat from plastic comes from nurdles,  which are the raw material from which all plastics are made. They are tiny pre-plastic pellets that kill large numbers of fish and birds that mistake them for food.

Pros and Cons of Plastic

Pros: It is Convenient, durable and can be used for years. Lighter, cheaper and occupy less  spaces.

Cons:  Plastic is a synthetic material that is both, easy and inexpensive, to produce. Its light weight, durability and versatility make it a preferred material for packing and manufacturing. However, its uncontrolled use leads to more problems than it solves. The most commonly known and accepted argument against plastic is that it is non-biodegradable, because of which it pollutes the natural environment and poses a risk to living organisms. But, while this is true, plastics are also known to have a harmful effect on individual health. Difficult to degrade, a single plastic bag can take 20 to 1,000 years to degrade and remain toxic even after they break down. Only 1% of plastic bags are recycled. Ten percent of the plastic produced every year worldwide winds up in the ocean. 70% of which finds its way to the ocean floor, where it will likely never degrade.

!!!What we call it, an Environmental hazard or a must (mast) artifact.!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Disturbed Mind and Creepy Ploy

It is all in the mind, sometime it is constructive in nature and sometime it is other way round.  A mind may be guided by a master mind and therefore every individuals have there own perspective. What right to me, not so for others. The mind is a strange thing, more you explore it more you will plunge into a mysterious horizon. There is so much about it which remains a mystery to this day. Science too failed to describe this strange phenomena. So often we found it that a calm and balance person turned to volatile and came up with a horrendous acts that never expected.

I failed to go with the CBI, when they convicted and arrested Nupur Talwar for killing her own daughter. For me it is impossible to trust the theory. It is impractical for a mother to go and kill her own daughter,  no matter how grievous the cause was. But there are many who turned the gun to their own wards for nothing. They killed like any other hard core criminal and it is hard to get a cue of their mindset at that moment when they committed that heinous crime. So, it is all in the mysterious mind. Nupur Talwar is not only mother who being alleged as a prime suspect for killing of her own daughter. Kate McCann also made a prime suspect when Madeleine McCann disappeared.

Madeleine McCann

Four years old Madeleine McCann disappeared on  3 May 2007, while family was holidaying in Portugal.  She was on holiday with her parents and twin siblings in the Algarve region of Portugal. The British girl went missing from an apartment, in the central area of the resort of Praia da Luz, a few days before her fourth birthday, and has still not been found. Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, have said that they left the children unsupervised in a ground floor bedroom while they ate at a restaurant about 120 metres away. The Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of  missing Madeleine McCann were also named  as suspect. However, Madeleine McCann still not traced.

Turning the gun towards the loved one

San Francisco, USA

Posing happily together for the camera a few weeks ago, this is the family whose lives ended in cold-blooded slaughter in their home. In San Francisco, Richard Smith stabbed his wife and two young children on the marital bed before starting a fire that killed him.

Mumbai, India

It was October 21, 1990, at half past midnight, producer Brij Sadanah, ‘Victoria No. 203’ famed,  brought out a Smith & Wesson and shot dead his wife in the living room. Then Brij Sadanah aimed the gun at his daughter and shot her too. A third bullet ripped past his son, Kamal Sadanah's neck and the fourth he literally caught in the palm of his hand and then shot himself in the head too. Kamal Sadanah was being treated at hospital, and only surviving member of the family still living with horror of that dreadful night.

Kolkata, India

Shibyendu Saha sent an SMS to his sister Mrs Jayshree Saha: 'Didi, shob shesh (everything is over).' Literally. Seven members, including two infants of the Saha family, were found dead in the second floor flat of their ancestral home at Charu Avenue. It appears that Shibyendu,  administered poison to members of his family and then committed suicide by hanging himself with a sari,

Kolkata, India

Debt ridden Kolkata based businessman Supratim Bose, killed his wife Sangeeta, father Sudish and teenage daughters Sharoni and Saheli in their posh Moore Avenue home. Mother and daughters probably died when fumes filled the room as flames engulfed the other two victims. Supratim Bose, 48, was found charred along with his father Sudesh, who lay beside him. Although a kerosene container was found in the flat, forensic experts said the fire was fuelled by something more inflammable than kerosene.

I got this small poem from internet written by some unknown writer and decided to end with it.

!!!That mind is abashed…. illogical, lost, but exultant,
Mysteriously slithering, removed from reality,
Sickening, every move acted wrong,
Hoping to please, but oh no.!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Two of a Kind!

The tale of two powerful women, both belongs to a powerful political family. One is outgoing and over ambitious, other preferred the backstage. Both are wife of the former head of state of their respective countries. Being in limelight, they maintain a good equation of  hate and love ratio with the masses. Often it is higher side and sometime is below par. It is all about Sonia Gandhi and Hillary Clinton, lots of common going between them but they are totally two different individuals with different attitude towards the life.

Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi, was known as Antonia Edvige Albina Maino. She was born on 9 December 1946, in Contrada Maini,  at Lusiana, a little village 30 km from Vicenza in VenetoItaly.  At present, she is the  President of the Indian National Congress, one of the major political parties of India.

She met Rajiv Gandhi, who was enrolled in Trinity College at the University of Cambridge in 1965.  Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi married in 1968, following which she moved into the Delhi, to her mother-in-law and then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi.

After Rajiv Gandhi's assassination in 1991, she was invited by the Indian National Congress to take over the Congress but refused and publicly stayed away from politics amidst constant prodding by the Congress. She finally agreed to join politics in 1997; in 1998, she was elected as the leader of the Congress.

She has served as the Chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance in the Lok Sabha since 2004. In September 2010, on being re-elected for the fourth time, she became the longest serving president in the 125-year history of the Congress party. Her foreign birth has been a subject of much debate and controversy. Although Sonia is actually the fifth foreign-born person to be leader of the Congress Party, she is the first since independence in 1947.

In the 2004 general elections, Gandhi launched a nationwide campaign, thru the country. In the election, she won by a large margin in the Rae Bareilly constituency. Following the unexpected defeat of the NDA, she was widely expected to be the next Prime Minister of India. On 16 May, she was unanimously chosen to lead a 15-party coalition government with the support of the left, which was subsequently named the United Progressive Alliance(UPA).

The defeated NDA protested once against her 'foreign origin' and senior NDA leader Sushma Swaraj threatened to shave her head and "sleep on the ground", among other things, should Sonia become prime minister. The NDA also claimed that there were legal reasons that barred her from the Prime Minister's post. They pointed, in particular, to Section 5 of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1955, which they claimed implied 'reciprocity'. This was contested by others and eventually the suits were dismissed by the Supreme Court of India. A few days after the election, Gandhi appointed Manmohan Singh as prime minister.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton,  born October 26, 1947, that make her a year younger than Sonia Gandhi. A native of Illinois, she embarked on a career in law after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973.  She moved to Arkansas in 1974 and married Bill Clinton in 1975.

In 1978  Bill Clinton elected as Governor of Arkansas, Hillary became First Lady of Arkansas in January 1979.  On February 27, 1980, Rodham gave birth to a daughter, Chelsea, her only child. In 1993, Bill Clinton took office as president of USA, Hillary Rodham Clinton became the First Lady of the United States. On January 3, 2001,
She was sworn in as United States Senator from New York.

Hillary was elected as a U.S. Senator in 2000. That election  marked the first time an American First Lady had run for public office; Clinton was also the first female senator to represent the state. Senator Clinton was reelected by a wide margin in 2006. In the 2008 presidential nomination race, Hillary Clinton won more primaries and delegates than any other female candidate in American history, but narrowly lost to Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

Obama went on to win the election and appoint Clinton as Secretary of State; Clinton became the first former First Lady to serve in a president's cabinet.

!!!Both are incredible, in politics its needs a special ability to stay on top!!!